5 Years of living with a husky! Beast of burden? You decide!

On Aug 08th of 2015 we took a chance to bring home a rescue husky who was called Kaliki. One of the best things we ever did. Is he a lot of work? YES! Is he worth every moment of it Yes! (Now you know this is his Mommy talking right!) There have been some challenges but thankfully I married the dog whisper himself so together we have adapted to this new family. We hope you enjoy our boy as much as we do and we’d love to hear about you and your fur babies so please tell us about them.

Music: All We Need by Adam Brock

The Cold Side (Instrumental) – Colton Venner

Whole Lot of Love –

Audiio Music All music is purchased as Royalty Free

OUCH – Face plant in Winona, Minnesota, Across Mississippi to Wisconsin Dells

Video 15 of our Series, Around the USA in 90 Days!

Once in a while it’s okay to RV overnight in a Walmart (Winona, Minnesota) and the nearby lake was beautiful. Bad news – don’t run wide open with your dog on wet grass chasing a squirrel into a tree! Meanwhile, after crossing the Mississippi we enjoyed spending some time in the Wisconsin Dells before heading to Indiana.

[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xLqL2c4AZa8[/embedyt]

Getting High Atop Beartooth Pass, 11,000 Foot in the SNOW

Video 10 of our Series, Around the USA in 90 Days!

As we left Yellowstone Park heading North-East, we spent the night at the Crazy Creek Campground. Continuing North to Billings, we climbed, climbed and climbed some more in our RV before reaching Beartooth Mountain Pass at a whopping 10,947 feet high! Best of all, our Siberian Husky Kaliki loved the opportunity to frolic in the snow – overlooking mountain sheep and an abundance of pristine lakes.

[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kxQ18riKaz8[/embedyt]

Pictures below  Continue reading “Getting High Atop Beartooth Pass, 11,000 Foot in the SNOW”

Grand Tetons, Yellowstone Falls, Old Faithful, Buffalo’s Up Close

Video 10 of our Series, Around the USA in 90 Days!

[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sX6tfK-a2QI[/embedyt]

After wrapping up our tour of the Grand Tetons (North of Jackson Lake), we entered Southern Yellowstone for an awesome “spin around the Park.” Yellowstone Falls had dramatic views and of course Old Faithful Geyser is not to be missed, complete with an insightful Park Ranger talk. Best of all, in the Lamar Valley we spotted herds of thousands of Buffalo’s, and even had one walk up to us in our RV!

Photos below  Continue reading “Grand Tetons, Yellowstone Falls, Old Faithful, Buffalo’s Up Close”

Yellowstone Bear World, Oh My! Not Lions nor Tigers but BEARS +++

Video 8 of our Series, Around the USA in 90 Days!

[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P_DobwikgXs[/embedyt]

From BIG Bears to young cubs, Bear World does not disappoint! So if you’re heading East to Yellowstone National Park , we highly recommend checking out this treasure where wildlife is preserved and allowed to run free in a safe, friendly environment. And you are going to LOVE the playful bear cubs wrestling, running and drinking milk from a bottle held by park visitors.

cTv Auto Safari – Chapin, Guatemala,. Giraffes, Lions, Hippos, Alligators

While cruising up the Pacific Ocean, we stopped for a day trip at the Auto Safari in Chapin, Guatemala,. Most of the animals have free run in their individual domains while we watched from our tour bus. Lots to see including giraffes, lions, hippos, alligators, monkeys, reptiles (yeah, snakes, too), birds and more. cTv RV Life – no, but a fantastic respite to enjoy the good life!

[embedyt] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bWQ9GxtXr_I[/embedyt]

Auto Safari Chapin
Auto Safari Chapin

The photo above is available for purchase in print sizes up to 40×60 here: Peacock Photo Continue reading “cTv Auto Safari – Chapin, Guatemala,. Giraffes, Lions, Hippos, Alligators”

cTv, Cruising to Nicaragua – Romantic Day Trip at Hacienda

Amayo Hacienda time at Lake Nicaragua – we had a romantic day with delightful hospitality, delicious local food, folkloric dances and music.  If you are tourista, be sure to make Nicaragua high up on your list – but we will pass on getting too close to their active volcanos~

[embedyt] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tEwkvJWfz0A[/embedyt]

Continue reading “cTv, Cruising to Nicaragua – Romantic Day Trip at Hacienda”

cTv, Costa Rica Rainforest – Crocodiles, Poison Dart Frogs, Monkeys

Nothing quite like the great outdoors INCLUDING the Costa Rica rainforest! Love the flora and fauna – seeing the crocodiles, poison dart frogs, monkeys, Scarlet Macaw and Toucans were a real plus.

[embedyt] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Zdj6_CeUXE[/embedyt]

Costa Rica Rainforest
Costa Rica Rainforest


Continue reading “cTv, Costa Rica Rainforest – Crocodiles, Poison Dart Frogs, Monkeys”

cTv RV Life – Wildflower Super-bloom, Antelope Valley Poppy Reserve, drone video

Michael – Seeing the wildflower pop in the Spring is one thing – hunting a spectacular SUPER-BLOOM is something else!  Traveling to southern California paid huge dividends to capture mega-awesome photos, videos and drone footage at the Antelope Valley Poppy Reserve!

Grace – I had stumbled upon this place while thumbing through our Instagram feed.  It Continue reading “cTv RV Life – Wildflower Super-bloom, Antelope Valley Poppy Reserve, drone video”

cTv RV Life – Drone hunting Wildflowers at Arvin and Lebec, California

Michael – What – travel 400+ miles to hunt flowers growing in the wild at Arvin and Lebec? Yeah, sometimes it’s wise for a husband to pick up a few “atta boys” and get a chance to fly his drone! Turned out to be an awesome 3 day RV Life trip with spectacular wildflowers so we extended an extra day, going South ANOTHER 100+ miles! Stay tuned – we have two more stops in future shows…

Grace – When we were coming home from San Diego early in February I had told Michael Continue reading “cTv RV Life – Drone hunting Wildflowers at Arvin and Lebec, California”