cTv Auto Safari – Chapin, Guatemala,. Giraffes, Lions, Hippos, Alligators

While cruising up the Pacific Ocean, we stopped for a day trip at the Auto Safari in Chapin, Guatemala,. Most of the animals have free run in their individual domains while we watched from our tour bus. Lots to see including giraffes, lions, hippos, alligators, monkeys, reptiles (yeah, snakes, too), birds and more. cTv RV Life – no, but a fantastic respite to enjoy the good life!

[embedyt] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bWQ9GxtXr_I[/embedyt]

Auto Safari Chapin
Auto Safari Chapin

The photo above is available for purchase in print sizes up to 40×60 here: Peacock Photo Continue reading “cTv Auto Safari – Chapin, Guatemala,. Giraffes, Lions, Hippos, Alligators”

cTv, Cruising to Nicaragua – Romantic Day Trip at Hacienda

Amayo Hacienda time at Lake Nicaragua – we had a romantic day with delightful hospitality, delicious local food, folkloric dances and music.  If you are tourista, be sure to make Nicaragua high up on your list – but we will pass on getting too close to their active volcanos~

[embedyt] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tEwkvJWfz0A[/embedyt]

Continue reading “cTv, Cruising to Nicaragua – Romantic Day Trip at Hacienda”

cTv, Miami tour of top highlights before Regent Mariner Panama cruise

Michael – Our 18 day cruise journey begin in Miami with a daytrip tour of the local cities.   Aside from the redeye and jet lag, the bus tour guide was fun, knowledgeable  and a cool dude.  Regardless, we couldn’t wait to jump aboard the Regent Mariner and start our Panama Canal cruise in contrast to our normal RV Life trips.

Grace – Grace – Our day started after a red eye from San Francisco to Miami Florida.  The Continue reading “cTv, Miami tour of top highlights before Regent Mariner Panama cruise”

cTv Cruise Trip Planning, Packing Video and Photo Travel Gear

[embedyt] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cFde3r3R4jU[/embedyt]

Michael – Oh boy, time to pack up video, photo, audio, computer gear for our upcoming cruise trip from Miami to San Francisco via the Panama Canal.  The big questions are:  Will everything fit and will I actually use all this #$%^&* stuff???

 Grace – The mission, (should I choose to accept it) is an 18 day repositioning cruise through Continue reading “cTv Cruise Trip Planning, Packing Video and Photo Travel Gear”