In this episode segment at California Travel Videos we head south into San Francisco, checking out Crissy Field, Torpedo Wharf, Fort Point, Fort Baker and more. Click below wo watch our video:

This time we take photos at the south end of the Golden Gate Bridge. Our shooting focuses on the more breathtaking views including blue and golden hour shots during the blue and golden hours. And as always, we share our tips, tricks and yes – traps to avoid to capture that elusive memorable view to share with friends and family back home.
To the South and slightly East of the Golden Gate Bridge, you will be treated to excellent sunset shots from Torpedo Wharf, Crissy Field and down to the St. Francis yacht club. In fact, if you have a really long lens and the weather is particularly cooperative (after a windy day without fog), you might even try points of Pier 39. Of course, no one can resist getting some shots of “THAT PLACE” – Alcatraz Island with its sorted past going all the way back to a prison of war camp during the Civil War (be sure to check out Part 1 for historic details).
On the South to the West end of the GGB, check out the Round House, Vista Point, Fort Point and Baker Beach. If you are “up close and personal” be sure to zoom out or slap on a wide lens like your 16-35 or 24-70mm piece of glass. From this perspective you will be shooting a long shot up the Golden Gate Bridge toward the Marin Headlands – an interesting profile shot with the over-arching north and south towers of the suspension. And if you are a tourist or care to learn lots of facts and figures about the bridge and its making, be sure to visit the Round House, nearby GGB store and outdoor exhibits – great stuff to impress your family and friends when you return home. Going further West to the nice beach at Fort Baker, you will be treated to excellent layered shots with your choice of sand or rock formations in the foreground and a deep blue sky overlooking the majestic international-orange colored Golden Gate Bridge towards the sunset hour. One caution – at the more secluded eastward end of the beach, you may come across some “breathtaking views” you were not expecting with an occasional SUN WORSHIPER looking to get that EVEN TAN!
As always, our cTv videos are meant to be fun, entertaining and yes, educational and enlightening so be sure to click here to check out our footage complete with lots of photos, outtakes, music and more.
Thank you for dropping by and we hope you will enjoy our next sub-episode, Part 3c, where we jump on the Golden Gate Bridge for more photo op’s as well as some historic videos during the GGB construction! Stay tuned…
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