ctv RV Life, See Hi Jolly monument at Quartzsite, Then off to Indio California

cTv RV Life, before leaving Quartzsite we stop to appreciate founder “Hi Jolly” then it’s off to Indio California for the evening (after missing the turnoff to Joshua Tree National Park).  Actually, Indio has an interesting history, too – Indians discovered natural wells (originally named Indian Wells), that were vital to the Southern Pacific railroad obtaining water in the middle of the desert… as always, much to the chagrin of the American Indians.

[embedyt] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PQkb5nykRXA[/embedyt]

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ctv RVLife, Quartzsite 2017, – Day 2, Out and About Walking North

We decide to take a day off for good behavior and walk North through Quartzsite up to the City Limit entrance sign (but eventually give up), yet we enjoyed our promenading and come across notable sites… and one that beyond hilarious.  Goes to show RV Life is full of twists and turns.

[embedyt] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=43AtbAO_iZ0[/embedyt]

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