cTv, Playing at Casini Ranch Park, Guerneville Highlights, Kozlowski Farm Specialty Foods

In our first of two segments travelling up the Russian River, we enjoyed an awesome RV getaway at the SPECTACULAR Casini Ranch Park and Campground.  We also checked out the ever eclectic Guerneville, the majestic Northwood Golf Course deep in the Redwoods, and Kozlowski Farm specialty food store on our way to Sebastopol. Be sure to also check out our outrageous canoe trip on the Russian River on our next segment!

[embedyt] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8dIbNV1xThg[/embedyt]

Casini Ranch Park
Casini Ranch Park

Next up: cTv RV Life, Russian River canoe water fight at Casini Ranch – flip time? 

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