cTv RV Life, Drone Time, Anza Borrego, Wildflower Super-bloom

Michael – Wow, on our 3rd day drone shooting the wildflower super-bloom, we headed south all the way down past the Salton Sea to Anza Borrego State Park.  Compared to Lancaster and Palmdale, you definitely realize this *is* the desert (millions of migrating caterpillars/SPHINX MOTHS) but in March the temperatures were fair enough.  With little time to do it all, unfortunately we missed the desert museum until the blue hour – maybe next trip.

Grace – It was a spontaneous decision to venture further south another 200 miles, another 3&1/2 hours.  We weighed all the pros and cons, checked our calendars for previous commitments.  The pro that surpassed all the cons was the fact we might not ever get a chance better than the one we had at this moment to see all the wildflowers in there glory.  Because of all the rain we had in the 2016/2017 season we wondered if we waited until next spring would the desert floor bloom as much as it was this year?  This year was dubbed, year of The Superbloom, how could we ignore that?  As always our faithful companion Kaliki was game so we loaded up, unhitched and set out for Anza-Borrego State Park.  We weren’t entirely sure of where we were going.  We loaded the destination into our Garmin GPS and used google to find out the rest.  It was also apparent by the many posts on Instagram we were not the first photographers lured to this area. Along the way coming in from the east entrance there was this rough patch of road and for a moment we wondered if it was going to be like that the next 20 miles or so that we had left to go.   Fortunately the rough patch just before S22 only lasted a few miles and the road improved greatly there after.  It wasn’t hard to find the wildflowers, colors of purple, blue, yellow, gold and white waved at us from practically every patch of ground.  I was eager to get out of the RV and start shooting sooner rather than later.  Michael had barely pulled over and I was out the door with my camera in search of, “the perfect shot.”  I wasn’t 5 steps out the door when I saw this large insect thing with tons of legs crawling on the ground.  I stepped over it wondering if it was a centipede.  Before leaving we probably saw thousands of what we later learned were Hornworms Catapillars that after metamorphosis would become Sphinx Moths.  http://theabf.org/sphinx-moths  Amazing how a couple of wings and it goes from eweeeee to aweeeee.  The campgrounds were all filled up this time of the year but there are several places where boon-docking is permitted.  We choose to drive out of the park just as it got dark and spent the night at a truck stop in Salton City.

Watch our video below and remember your comments are always appreciated.

[embedyt] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NCykCEO5SYU[/embedyt]

Featured print is available for purchase here:

https://californiatravelvideos.smugmug.com/Wild-Flowers/i-2mQs87TAnza-Borrego State Park

Anza-Borrego State Park

Recommended sizes and crops may vary, feel free to email us with any questions.

Next up: cTv RV Life – Crossing the Panama

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