cTv Cruising Panama Canal locks – Cinema, History, Cool Statistics

cTv RV Life meets up with the mighty Panama Canal. We have lots of photos and cinematic video clips about how the canal and locks work, intriguing history factoids and most everything you’d want to know including the rain forest, the new third huge canal locks and more.

[embedyt] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PvW2wOXTT90[/embedyt]


Going through the Panama Canal

Next up: cTv, Costa Rica Rainforest – Crocodiles, Poison Dart Frogs, Monkeys

Continue reading “cTv Cruising Panama Canal locks – Cinema, History, Cool Statistics”

cTv Cruise Trip Planning, Packing Video and Photo Travel Gear

[embedyt] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cFde3r3R4jU[/embedyt]

Michael – Oh boy, time to pack up video, photo, audio, computer gear for our upcoming cruise trip from Miami to San Francisco via the Panama Canal.  The big questions are:  Will everything fit and will I actually use all this #$%^&* stuff???

 Grace – The mission, (should I choose to accept it) is an 18 day repositioning cruise through Continue reading “cTv Cruise Trip Planning, Packing Video and Photo Travel Gear”